Gautam Gambhir has done it again, he has come out in support of the Indian army, but this time around with a video message. Gambhir recently posted on his Twitter account a video in association with Fever FM urging people to end their jhijhak (hesitation) and come out in support of the Indian Army. One can easily notice that Gambhir followed a similar style of that to Gurmehar Kaur while trying to send out a message through placards and a black cloth tied to his mouth.
Gambhir raises a question in front of Indian citizens whether they greet the Indian soldiers when they see them. They should thank the army for protecting them and remove the metaphorical ‘jhijhak ki patti’ and start appreciating the work they do for us. He also asked his followers to post their selfies with soldiers using hashtag #bharatpositive.
Gambhir tweeted on May 29, “I have stepped out of my crease. Will you?” with the hashtag of #BharatPositive while tagging the Prime Minister’s Office, Major Gaurav Arya, Fever FM channel and Narendra Modi.”
Also read: Twitterati term Gautam Gambhir a ‘sanghi’ for his ‘For every slap on jawan, kill 100 jihadis’ tweet!
I have stepped out of my crease. Will you? @FeverFMOfficial @majorgauravarya @narendramodi @PMOIndia #BharatPositive
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) May 29, 2017
Gambhir has been vocal about his love and respect for the army. Gambhir lashed out at Kashmiris when a video came out of people throwing stones at CRPF jawans in the valley. His reaction got mixed responses as he tweeted, “For every slap on my army’s Jawan lay down at least a 100 jihadi lives. Whoever wants Azadi LEAVE NOW! Kashmir is ours,” and “Anti-Indians hav forgotten dat [sic] our flag also stands 4: saffron – fire of our anger, white – shroud for jihadis, green – hatred 4 terror.”
Also read: SGautam Gambhir to bear education expenses of kids of 25 CRPF men killed in Sukma attack
Later on, the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) skipper proved his love for the martyrs as he announced to bear expenses of children of soldiers martyred in the Sukma Maoist Attack in Chattisgarh.
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