The rift between former Head Coach Anil Kumble and skipper Virat Kohli made headlines in the month of June. It did not end at Kumble’s resignation as Ravi Shastri’s appointment as Head Coach invited prolonged criticism from fans and journalists. While a few took sides, there were others who refrained from talking against any of the two. In a recent interview, Saha gave an insight into the dressing room talks as he revealed that a few found Kumbel strict while he did not.
Saha made a rather strong statement when asked about whether former Indian Head Coach Anil Kumble was strict or not. “I did not feel that way. As a coach, he has to be strict in some way or the other. Some have felt he is strict, some have not. I have never felt that way under Anil bhai,” he told reporters.
The wicketkeeper-batsman also shared his views on the difference between the new Head Coach and the former, he said, “Anil bhai always wanted us to score 400, 500, 600 and the opponent will be all out by 150-200. That is not always possible. Ravi bhai always tells us to go out there hit the opponent out of the park. This is the only difference I could see. Rest both were positive all the time.”
Saha also commented on Kohli’s behaviour with players off-the-field, “He is improving with time and his association with players has increased. We dine together and go for outings also together. He is always mingling with us which I see as a plus point in him,”
Saha shares the weakness of the Sri Lanka batting during the recently concluded Test series, he said, “Their temperament was weak from the batting point of view which helped us. One session they held fort but we knew their patience would go up in smoke in the next session. That has helped,”
Saha also shared his views on Shami’s bowling, “It’s great that Shami is continuing his aggression after coming back from injury. It is good for him and the team. He always creates a wicket taking opportunity. He swings the ball and gets the outside edge of the batsman. I take the catch,” he added.
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