Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech on Wednesday got married in a private ceremony at a gurudwara in Fatehgarh Sahib. The ceremony was attended by close members of the family at the Dera of Baba Ram Singh. The wedding took place according to Sikh rituals and customs.
The couple will solemnise the marriage as per Hindu rituals on December 2 in Goa. Following this, a sangeet and reception will be held in New Delhi on December 5 and 7 respectively.
However, Yuvraj’s father Yograj Singh was not present as he had refused to attend if his son’s wedding was solemnised before a religious guru.
The couple got engaged in Bali in November last year. They had been dating for more than a year. On Tuesday, the couple held a sangeet ceremony at a prominent Delhi hotel which was attended by several bigwigs including Indian cricket team members.
Here is another picture from the wedding ceremony.
Yuvraj looked dashing in a traditional Punjabi outfit as he posed along with his mother Shabnam outside the gurudwara.
On the other hand, Hazel looked pretty in a maroon lehenga while accompanying her family members.
Prior to the wedding, Yuvi took to Facebook to express his feelings before getting hitched to Hazel.
Here are some more pictures from the star-studded wedding ceremony in Fatehgarh Sahib gurudwara.
Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab): Visuals from Yuvraj Singh & Hazel Keech’s wedding ceremony at Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib pic.twitter.com/1mWv9RjoJe
— ANI (@ANI_news) November 30, 2016
Hold on, more pictures follow suit.
Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab): Yuvraj Singh at Gurdwara Fatehgarh Sahib for his wedding ceremony pic.twitter.com/ShninqBIQA
— ANI (@ANI_news) November 30, 2016
Here are some fresh pictures of the gabru Punjabi groom Yuvraj Singh. Isn’t he looking fabulous?
@yuvisofficial with Lisa Bocarro
A photo posted by Team Yuvraj Singh (@teamyuvrajsingh) on
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