The 10-day long festival of Ganesh Chaturthi begins today. The festival is celebrated all across the country, especially in Maharashtra, where they have started in full swing. Many sportsmen and cricketers, from Suresh Raina to VVS Laxman, have already wished their fans on the auspicious occasion. But the cricket fans had been waiting to hear from the demi god of Indian cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, who happens to be an ardent devotee of the most beloved deity. Finally, Sachin Tendulkar broke his silence with a tweet and a video in which the little master wished all his fans a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi.
Sachin Tendulkar, who is regarded as a legend and one of the best batsmen to have played on the cricket field did not disappoint his fans, as he wished them well on the auspicious occasion. It was heart warming to see the Indian sport-star wish his fans, who amount to millions in number. In the tweet, Sachin Tendulkar wrote, ” श्री गणेश चतुर्थीच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा #GanpatiBappaMorya.”
Sachin Tendulkar also uploaded a picture, where he and his wife Anjali Tendulkar are seen praying to the God. Anjali is seen wearing a red saree and Sachin Tendulkar wore a traditional kurta, with the picture seems to be of his residence in Mumbai.
____ ____ ___________ _______ ________ #GanpatiBappaMorya
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) August 25, 2017
He also shared a video, in which he is heard wishing all his fans in Marathi.
____ ____ ___________ _______ ________ #GanpatiBappaMorya
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) August 25, 2017
Sachin Tendulkar holds the record for the most number of international runs, along with the highest number of centuries. Sachin Tendulkar also was a part of the 2011 World Cup winning squad.
It seems like Sachin Tendulkar is a believer of the powers of lord Ganesha, like billions of others in India.
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