The real life Dangal Girl, Geeta Phogat recently shared a glimpse of her success on social media. The pride of Haryana and the eldest woman wrestler of the Phogat family came into limelight after she won the first ever gold medal in women’s wrestling in the 55kg freestyle category at the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. She had also won a gold medal in the 2009 Commonwealth Wrestling Championship while she also took part in the 2012 London Olympics. She also participated in the Wrestling FILA Asian Olympic Qualification Tournament in 2012 where she won another gold medal.
All her hard work, struggle and fight against the societal norms inspired Bollywood and in 2016, a biopic based on her was released. After the success of Dangal, she attained a celebrity status while her story inspired innumerable people and also motivated a lot of young Indian girls who showed interest towards wrestling.
After reaching the pinnacle of her life, she bought a brand new Range Rover Car and posted a picture where she could be seen posing with her car. Her husband Pawan Kumar, who is also a wrestler, could be seen in the picture. She took to her official Instagram account and shared the picture with a caption which said,”Hard work always pays off. love with our new Car.”
Hard work always pays off love with our new Car #rangeroverevoque #landrover @landrover_in
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Geeta Phogat stepped into professional wrestling in the early 2000s. She won medals in the Asian Cadet Championships in the year 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively. For her impressive performance in wrestling, the talented wrestler was honored with the Arjuna Award in 2012.
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