Model and IPL anchor Archana Vijaya clears air over the derogatory incident including Virat Kohli. Well, Indian media had reported sometime back to a picture where Virat Kohli was spotted looking at Archana’s iPad. Indian media reported things like Virat Kohli ogling at Archana Vijaya’s ripped jeans and all that just to grab eyeballs and sell their story. This is yellow journalism at its best.
But recently in an interview to a Indian media house, Archana Vijaya cleared the air saying, “My first thought was: Oh my God, are people trying that hard to make headlines? Are people so starved to bring people down?” In fact she could not believe what the media had written.
Archana Vijaya was also an RJ in the past with MTV.
She continued further and highlighted the state of women in the country and said, “In India, women are kind of objectified so you have to make your work load harder. It’s a constant challenge and the mindset needs to change. And the change needs to start at the top.”
Narrating exactly what had happened she said, “When he saw me, he asked, ‘Dude, where were you last year? Welcome back!’ That’s the sort of ease we have. We were playing a round of rapid fire and the poor guy was just trying to cheat by looking at the cue card. It was the cue card he was looking at.”
If one looks at this whole issue from a proper perspective, one will realise that the media was wrong in framing the two in such a petty manner.
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