A few days back, a picture in which Virat Kohli was seen mocking Ravindra Jadeja for his new beard-do went viral on the social media. Numerous memes and GIFs were made on the same picture while people across the country also adored the new look of their favourite Indian off-spinner. Finally, after so many days Sir Ravindra Jadeja broke his silence and revealed that what actually happened then and why Virat was captured laughing so badly. Jadeja opened up in an interview and spoke the secret behind that picture.
Jadeja said,”The picture was clicked just before the game between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Gujarat Lions where Virat was calling me ‘Rajput’. He addresses me like that and I feel super proud. We both are like brothers and such hilarious conversations are a part of our relationship.”
“Everyone there in the dressing room looked similar, so I thought to change my look a bit. Once when I was sitting in the Indian dressing room with my face down, Anil Kumble walked in started speaking in Kannada as he thought I was KL Rahul. A lot of confusion has been created in the dressing room due to beards,” Jadeja added.
Ever since Jadeja changed his beard-do, a new trend called #BreakThe Beard challenge is going viral. Following Jadeja, Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya and Ajinkya Rahane also did the same and shared their picture on social media with the same hashtag. However, Virat denied to take this challenge and said,” am not breaking the beard yet”.
To this post of Virat, Anushka Sharma also replied,”You cannot!”.
Well, people already had an idea that a hilarious conversation might have taken place between both of them but now the actual reason is out nd we hope, it should help Anil Kumble in future to recognise the players correctly.
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