Anant Ambani, the son of the richest Indian Mukesh Ambani has seen different captains lift the Indian Premier League trophy thrice from the dugout. He has been with the players and know them personally yet does not interfere in the planning process. He lost 108 kgs from the time IPL had its first edition way back in 2008 and is now he looks much smarter and much fitter just like what the Mumbai Indians showed on the field last night, great fitness and good athleticism. He apparently had vouched after MI were sloppy in season one in the field and did not have a good season. He started training and has now come a long way in looking more active not like he did a decade ago.
No one has enjoyed Mumbai Indians more than this lad. He is the grandson of the Late. Dhirubhai Ambani. The last the game was fitting of a finale and the crowd must have got their money’s worth. It was a last-ball finish could not have got any closer. He was there on the sidelines with his extended family, where Sachin Tendulkar and his mother Nita Ambani, the co-owner of Mumbai Indians was also there, they were tensed, so was he. But he kept his composure as he had seen it all before in the last nine editions. We all have seen him as a young boy alongside his mother over the past editions but now it seems he has come out of his shell and is doing great work for the society through the various programmes of Mumbai Indians.
Mrs. Nita Ambani, Mr. Akash Ambani & Mr. Anant Ambani proudly pose with the @IPL trophy! #CricketMeriJaan
— Mumbai Indians (@mipaltan) May 22, 2017
In the picture, you will see him holding the Indian Premier League trophy like it is his own child, his baby, possessive like never before. He is nervous you can make out he is still in utter disbelief in the way MI’S won.
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