Ravi Shastri ahead of Indian Premier League (IPL) 2017’s final between Rising Pune Supergiant (RPS) and Mumbai Indians (MI) lauds Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s consistency. Shastri took to Twitter to express his feelings for MS Dhoni as he will be playing his 7th IPL final since it’s inaugural season in 2008. Overwhelmed by Dhoni’s unique feat he tweeted, “7 IPL finals in a decade of IPL. Baap re baap. That’s finishing off in style. The ultimate IPL BOSS MS Dhoni.”
Shastri has been a fan of Dhoni’s cricketing skills for a while now. Shastri’s iconic commentary in the World Cup 2011 when Dhoni hit the winning shot for a six and finished the game in style. Shastri was commentating in the T20 World Cup 2007 as well when India beat Pakistan.
7 #IPL finals in a decade of the IPL. Baap Re Baap. That’s finishing off in style. The ultimate IPL BOSS – @msdhoni #IPLfinal pic.twitter.com/mlmI3t0J0l
— Ravi Shastri (@RaviShastriOfc) May 20, 2017
Shastri lauding Dhoni is justified as he is the first player to play 7 IPL finals. He played the previous six for Chennai Superkings (CSK) who were suspended for two years. He has also won 2 IPL title captaining the CSK side who were among the most consistent sides of IPL.
Dhoni’s quickfire innings in the qualifier 1 against MI was one of the factors that they made it into the finals on their first shot. RPS will be playing their first IPL final as they have appeared in two IPL seasons so far. This is the first time Dhoni will be playing as a player and not the captain of the team in the final. But, his role in the team remains the same despite Steve Smith being the captain of the side.
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