Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) mentor and former Indian player VVS Laxman can be seen fuming in anger, not on his players but his analyst. It all happened in the second innings of the match as Shikhar Dhawan tried to cut the ball towards the square of the wicket. The ball took a thick edge off the bat, racing away towards the third man boundary where SRH had their dugout. On seeing the ball coming his way, the SRH analyst stood up from his chair and walked towards his left in an attempt to dodge that ball. What happened next, had everyone watching the match laughing.
The ball raced towards the boundary, once bounce over the rope and hitting the laptop. It was no ordinary laptop but the one on which team and player analysis are done. The ball hit the laptop pretty hard, the analyst sitting there was safe and sound. Laxman immediately turned back to the analyst and scolded him for abandoning the laptop.
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The analyst had no words as he was getting scolded from none other but the SRH mentor itself. In the replay, one can see Laxman angry and surprised at the same time on analyst’s actions. Afterwards, the camera was pointed at the laptop showing that the impact of the ball was on the lower right side. The screen was completely broken as if it was a car’s windshield.
The big screen in the ground had a witty comeback for it, as it read ‘Reboot it’. One can justify Laxman’s concern but what should we say, the analyst guy was just afraid that the ball might not hit him. Tough luck bro!
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