The IPL player auction which was supposed to take place on February 4 has been delayed and expected to take place in the third week of February. However, there has not been any final word on the finalised dates for the player auction from Board of Cricket Control of India (BCCI). All the franchisees have been patient through the proceedings as they expect the auction to be held between February 20 to February 25. This delay has happened due to the removal of BCCI President Anurag Thakur and secretary Ajay Shirke earlier this year. Supreme Court is yet to appoint new administrators in lieu of the ones sacked, which has been the main reason for the delay of this edition’s IPL player auction.
According to BCCI media release, “The Committee of Administrators (COA) met the concerned BCCI officials today to take stock of the urgent and important matters mainly concerning the successful conduct of IPL 2017. The committee of administrators assured the franchises that it was overseeing the preparations for IPL and the ‘operational timelines’ will be sent out shortly.”
The four-member administrating team will be taking over the proceedings on February 6 who will be deciding the dates for the IPL auction and bring it back on track. Few franchisees have taken this delay as a blessing in disguise as they will be able to identify domestic talents which will prove helpful for them in the coming IPL edition. However, franchisees are desperately waiting to get their hands on the final list of players who will be appearing in IPL auction 2017.
Another task at hand is the broadcasting rights for IPL which currently belong to Sony Pictures Network India (SPNI). Their contract will be expiring with conclusion of IPL 2017. The rights will be sold via tender process as soon as SPNI’s contract expires.
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