In a shocking turn of events, five wrestlers lost their lives in a major road accident in Sangli district of Maharashtra, early on January 13. The victims were travelling in an SUV which rammed headlong into a tractor carrying sugarcane. As reported by the local police, the incident took place around 1 am. The driver of the vehicle also died in the accident.
As per several media reports, the wrestlers belonged to Kranti Kushti Sankul institute. They all were returning from a wrestling contest held in Satara. Apart from the five wrestlers, five more people have sustained injuries and were taken to the nearby hospitals.
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The institute’s secretary, Sharad Lal spoke to the media and expressed his condolences. He said,”It is very sad and shocking for us.”
Earlier on January 7, four national level power-lifters along with two others, including world champion Saksham Yadav, were seriously on the Delhi-Haryana border in the wee hours of the morning. As per the police report, the accident took place at 4 am near Alipur village of Delhi, close to Singhu border between Delhi and Haryana. The victims were travelling on the Delhi-Panipat National Highway-1.
The injured, identified as Saksham (28), was shifted to Max Hospital in Shalimar Bagh, and Rohit (23) was taken to LNJP Hospital where his condition was stated to be out of danger.
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