The Chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra responded to a random Twitter user’s plea as he was disappointed with the amount Badminton Association of India (BAI) has awarded Kidambi Srikanth for winning Australian Open Super Series 2017. Anand Mahindra has been closely following Kidambi Srikanth throughout the tournament, tweeting about it on his every win. He, in fact, is very keen to nicknaming him as ‘steamroller’ for reason best known to him.
Though even after Kidambi’s win and reaching the World No.1 spot in Badminton Rankings, he was given only Rs. 5 lakh as a prize for achieving this feat. Disappointed by the amount of cash prize a Twitter user ‘NastreTheMust’ tweeted to Anand Mahindra as he felt that the amount was nothing compared to cricket.
Anand Mahindra who tweeted just after Srikanth’s win and named him ‘STEAMROLLER SRIKANTH’ did not seem happy about the prize as well. He was so impressed with the 24-year-old shuttler that he gifted him a Mahindra TUV300 as he felt that his spirit deserves a battle tank.
OK. His fighting spirit has made us proud.A STEAMROLLER deserves a Battle Tank. I’ll personally gift @srikidambi a Mahindra #TUV300
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) June 25, 2017
Though soon after another user tried to act smart with Anand Mahindra as he inquired how many retweets for a free Mahindra XUV. To this, he had a perfect reply, as he tweeted, “Don’t push your luck buddy”.
Don’t push your luck buddy…
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) June 25, 2017
Srikanth has had a brilliant season so far and has won one-third of the super series tournament held in 2017. He won the game by in straight games, 22-20, 20-16, beating Olympic Champion Chinese shuttler Chen Long for the first time in his career. With this win he rose in the rankings as well, reaching the top.
Sir,He gets only five lakh… That’s nothing compared to cricket, pls do something
— नाश्त्रेदमस्त (@NastreTheMust) June 25, 2017
Sir how many RTs for a free Mahindra XUV?
— Mthn (@Being_Humor) June 25, 2017
Srikanth made headlines as he was able to beat former World No.1 San Wan Ho two times in a week only. He recently won the Indonesian Open as well and ended as a runner-up in Singapore Open.
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