Yuvraj Singh shared a letter he received from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his social media accounts. Yuvraj seemed ecstatic after receiving the acknowledgment from PM Modi, who lauded the social work efforts that Yuvraj does through his foundation ‘YouWeCan’, aimed at fighting cancer and spreading awareness about the disease which he too suffered from and eventually fought.
Yuvraj posted on his Facebook account, “It’s an absolute honor & privilege for all of us here at Youwecan to receive such an encouraging letter from Hon’ble Shri Narendra Modi ji himself. We at YouWeCan strongly believe that each one of us together can change the world and it’s not what you’ve got, its what you use that makes a difference. There is no greater reward than making someone else’s life better and making a difference in the world #youwecan #gratitude”.
Yuvraj fought cancer and went through chemotherapy. Not only did he survive the fatal disease but made his way back to the Indian team, being back in form. Yuvraj knew that he had been suffering from cancer during the ICC World Cup 2011, but went on it with anyway.
The all-rounder vomited blood during the WC 2011 but still managed to perform exceptionally well for the team, guiding the team to the title win after a long wait of 28 years and giving Indian legend Sachin Tendulkar a perfect send off.
After getting cured of cancer, he entered the Indian team after almost one and a half years in December 2012.
It’s an absolute honor for all of us here at @YOUWECAN to receive such an encouraging letter from Hon’ble Shri @narendramodi ji pic.twitter.com/G8SIHjHFsI
— yuvraj singh (@YUVSTRONG12) September 1, 2017
Yuvraj is currently preparing to improve his form and enter the Indian side. He was not eligible for selection after failing the Yo-Yo fitness test. He is focusing on getting back on track and has been posting a few videos of his workout regime on his Instagram account.
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