After Sachin Tendulkar and Harbhajan Singh, another sports personality who had an unpleasant airport experience is ace badminton player PV Sindhu. The renowned Rio silver medalist slammed an Indigo official recently for misbehaviour and harassment. After that, the Indigo Airlines officials went on record to deny misconduct on their part and revealed the fact that Sindhu was carrying luggage that was heavy and violating the law which means she was wrong on her part.
The Olympic silver medalist was flying to Mumbai for an event when the incident occurred. The World number 2 on Saturday, November 4, took to Twitter and lambasted Indigo airlines for the ‘rude behaviour’. Sindhu tweeted, “Sorry to say ..i had a very bad experience when i was flying by 6E 608 flight to bombay on 4th nov the ground staff by name Mr ajeetesh(1/3)”.
Here’s her tweet:
Sorry to say ..i had a very bad experience_when i was flying by 6E 608 flight to bombay on 4th nov the ground staff by name Mr ajeetesh(1/3)
— Pvsindhu (@Pvsindhu1) November 4, 2017
In another post, Sindhu wrote, “Ground staff (skipper) mr ajeetesh behaved very badly and rudely with me. When the air hostess Ms ashima tried to advise him to behave properly with the passenger (me) but to my surprise he behaved very rudely with her. If this type of people work for a rupted (reputed) airline like indigo they will spoil their reputation @IndiGo6E”.
— Pvsindhu (@Pvsindhu1) November 4, 2017
Sindhu later wrote
Please speak to Ms Ashima she wil explain you in detail.__
— Pvsindhu (@Pvsindhu1) November 4, 2017
Earlier she referred to present day Mumbai as Bombay and hence rectifying that she wrote.
Extremely Sorry its mumbai* __
— Pvsindhu (@Pvsindhu1) November 4, 2017
Following her tweets, Twitterattis backed her on the social space.
Bolo to uthwale_
— Gaurav Anand (@gauravanand1998) November 4, 2017
@IndiGo6E #608 @Pvsindhu1 deserves an apology. International #Badminton player has a bad experience. #travel #flying #flights
— SajithkumarS (@jobinindia) November 4, 2017
No need to say sorry . Need to punish the wrong doing
— shankar palanivelan (@spalanivelan) November 4, 2017
@IndiGo6E see this same thing happened with us as well
Very very poor experienced!!
We should ban this kind of airlines #Disgusting— AbhiJeet (@abhijeet7007) November 4, 2017
Indigo, you should come out with an explanation and punish the staff if guilty.
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