Veteran Bollywood actor Shashi Kapoor, who acted in over 130 Hindi films, passed away on December 4 at the age of 79 after a prolonged illness in Mumbai. Sashi Kapoor will be remembered for his superb acting in hit films like Deewar, Satyam Shivam Sundaram and Kabhie Kabhie. In 2015, Sashi Kapoor was honoured with Dadasaheb Phalke Award for his contribution to the Hindi film industry.
He had undergone a bypass surgery in 2014. He is survived by three children – Kunal, Sanjana and Karan Kapoor.
On this day, we remember the legendary actor and share a rare footage from a cricket match between the prominent Bollywood actors of the 1960s including Shashi Kapoor, Dilip Kumar and others.
The video went viral in April 2016 as it had been repackaged with Indian Premier League (IPL) theme song playing in the background. It was a match between Raj Kapoor and Dilip Kumar’s team. The tournament’s name was Star Cricket Carnival 1962.
According to reports, the match took place in 1962 at Shivaji Park. The match aimed at attracting spectators and then donate the money to the drought-affected areas.
ALSO READ: Shashi Kapoor passes away: Virender Sehwag & other sportsperson express condolence
At that time, there were no limited overs matches. The limited overs were introduced years after this match. At that time there were no excitement of a 50-over match or a T20.
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