As Sachin Tendulkar steps into newer fields as his awaited biopic hits the screens this Friday across India. The name of the film is titled ‘Sachin- A billion dreams’. The biographical film written and helmed by James Erskine and produced by Ravi Bhagchandka and Carnival Motion Pictures under 200 NotOut Productions. This film features Sachin Tendulkar, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Virender Sehwag and Mayuresh Prem. It is ideally timed one feels as the Indian Premier League is just over, the producers are trying to cash in on the IPL hangover, to make things merrier Mumbai Indians won its third title and Sachin Tendulkar was the mentor of the outfit.
While Sachin Tendulkar will be eager to see the response his film grabs, the Indian team will gather together to witness the special screening of the film. The special screening will be held in Versova, on Wednesday according to the producer, Ravi Bagchandka.
This film has earlier also been screened for the Indian army who enjoyed it to bits. Introduced by Emmy-nominated James Erskine, “Sachin: A Billion Dreams” will be a treat to watch for cricket fans all around the globe. The movie tickets will not include tax in the states of Kerala, Maharashtra, and Chattisgarh.
A billion rounds of applause for this video! You always leave me speechless with your energy levels @ranveerofficial. Thanks for your wishes
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) May 24, 2017
In fact his wife and his adorable daughter are also essaying pivotal characters in the film and they will be playing their own self which adds to the charm.
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