PCB chairman Shaharyar Khan has again overstepped the line, provoking India by saying that Indian Cricket team is scared of playing with Pakistan. The record highlights a different picture though, record has it that Pakistan Cricket team has never got the better of India in a ICC Cricket World Cup. So, we guess Mr. Khan has got the gall to say that because India was recently defeated by Pakistan in the ICC Champions Trophy final. Well, even in the tournament played last month India got the better of them in the league stage and mat be complacency got the better of them in the finals. But all that aside, the focus is on whether India will play Pakistan in bilateral ties or not. Both the cricket governing bodies want to go ahead with it but they require the permission of both the government’s. India, on this is reluctant over this issue and do not want to go ahead with it.
“After our win, we challenge India to come and play bilateral cricket with us. They don’t play us, they are scared of our team. They say we’ll play you in ICC matches but they won’t play us otherwise” said Shaharyar at the PM’s reception of the victorious squad as reported by Pakpassion.com.
“We need to build on this victory. It’s not enough, we need to go a lot further. All cricket teams in Pakistan should take an example from this team. Be united with jazba, give importance to fielding and fitness and include youth in all teams – FC, division, university teams,” said the 83-year old.
“After this win, every team will want to play us. They should now come to Pakistan, there is complete security. God-willing, teams will start coming. We are in negotiations with Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and West Indies.
They can send their teams first for a short tour, maybe for just T20Is,” hinted Shaharyar.
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