Indian opener Shikhar Dhawan pushing a fan for taking selfie has gone viral on the internet. But, Dhawan should not be blamed for pushing fans for taking selfie with him as he was surrounded by a large number of people. The Delhi opener pushed a few people around to make way for himself. Though it is to be noted that Dhawan should have handled the situation better. In the video, police personnel were available and were trying to escort Dhawan through the crowd. Though the 31-year-old might face backlash from his fans after this incident.
You be the judge whether Dhawan could have coped with the situation better or not?. Here’s the video of the incident, watch and share your opinion –
Dhawan took a break from cricket as he had to attend her sister’s wedding. The Delhi opener is back into India’s Test squad for the Delhi Test starting December 2. Dhawan scored 94 at Eden Gardens, Kolkata in the second innings and made up for a single digit score in the first innings.
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However, it is yet to be determined whether Dhawan will get a berth in the playing XI in the third Test or not. The local boy got tough competition from his replacement opener Murali Vijay who scored a century in his comeback match.
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Though Dhawan might replace KL Rahul who struggled in the second Test. His chances of replacing Rahul increase as Dhawan has more experience of batting at the Feroz Shah Kotla wicket than the Karnataka cricketer.
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