Professional fitness model Andrew Jones is an inspiration in many ways. Not only has he given us major fitness goals, it is his story that is ‘heart-warming’. In his own words, he is “the best-looking zombie that you’ll ever see.” Jones is living with an artificial heart and essentially has no pulse. In 2012, he was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy which affects the heart’s efficiency to pump blood. Due to severe illness, he was admitted to the ICU for 4 months where the doctors had to implant an LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device).
Because of an artificial heart, Jones has to charge the batteries at night when he is going to sleep. “I plug my phone in and then I plug myself into the wall outlet to make sure I have power overnight. These devices – two batteries and a computer, are powering and controlling the artificial heart.”
Jones didn’t give up despite his condition. Against all odds, he began training again. “I started to feel strong again when I was recovering after having the artificial heart implanted. Of course, it all didn’t come at once. I took baby steps and I found myself back at the gym sooner than later.”
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“At first, I was upset about having an artificial heart and then here was a moment where I realised that this is my life for now. Either I can dwell and feel sorry for myself or I can continue to do things that I love to do the best way I can… and I haven’t stopped.”
“I am proud of the scars that I have from the surgeries because scars are beautiful. They are a part of you, they tell your stories and no one can take that away from you.”
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People with clocking hearts can’t achieve what Jones has. It is his never-say-die attitude that we salute.
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