The Indian Test captain, Virat Kohli delivered an emotional message for the Indian armed forces on Instagram. Amid the festive fervour, Kohli thanked those who have been away from their homes while guarding our borders. The 27-year-old began his message by introducing himself and went on to talk about the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by the soldiers.
The Delhi lad said, “Mein Virat Kohli, is Diwali ke tyohar par, humare jawano ko badhaiyaan aur shubhkamnayein dena chahta hun. Mein janta hun ghaar se dur rehna bahut mushkil baat hai. Aur jis tarah aap humare desh ki raksha karte hain, wo qabil-e-tareef hai. Mere bhaiyon, yakin rakhein mein aur pura bharat desh humesha aapke saath rahega. Jai Hind.”
(I, Virat Kohli, want to give my best wishes to the Indian armed forces. I know how difficult it is to stay away from your family on such occasions. The way you have been guarding our borders is commendable. My brothers, I and the entire nation are always with you on every step. Jai Hind). Kohli posted the message after arriving in Visakhapatnam where the fifth ODI in the ongoing India vs New Zealand series will be played. The match will be played on Saturday, October 29.
Former India cricketer Virender Sehwag has also dedicated his Diwali to Indian soldiers. He made a request to other Indians on Twitter that whenever, wherever they see an Indian soldier, they should salute him or her. By doing so, it would definitely bring a smile to their faces. The 38-year-old began his message by saying, “The reason why our nation is happy and celebrating freely today is because of our armed forces. The unconditional love and support they have shown are exemplary and one should learn from them on how to be selfless. I wish our brothers who are protecting us at the borders, a very happy Diwali on behalf of 125 crore Indians.”
The Nawab of Najafgarh went on to say that some people will understand his message while others won’t. But for him, the soldiers are and will remain the true heroes. “If we are celebrating Diwali today, it is because of you guys (Indian forces who have been protecting us at the borders). If you guys are there, we exist. Jai Hind,” he added.
WATCH: Virat Kohli’s Diwali message to soldiers
A video posted by Virat Kohli (@virat.kohli) on
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