Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh claimed during an interview last year that he helped Indian skipper Virat Kohli to the position he is now. Rahim Singh said, “He (Virat Kohli) was unable to convert good starts into big scores. I suggested him to practice hard and continue learning.” The video went viral on social networking websites as people made fun of it. Whether there is any truth to the story or not, there is no confirmation of that. However, there is a video of him posing with Ram Rahim Singh with folded hands. Not just him but Ashish Nehra can be seen in the video that has been going viral on Twitter.
A CBI special court on Friday held the controversial Dera Sacha Sauda sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh guilty of raping and sexually exploiting two female disciples.
Trial court judge Jagdeep Singh announced the verdict amid unprecedented security here. The sentence will be pronounced by the court on Monday.
A CBI special court on Friday held controversial Dera Sacha Sauda sect chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh guilty of raping and sexually exploiting two female disciples.
The sect chief was taken into custody following his conviction by trial court judge Jagdeep Singh. Soldiers who had been deployed earlier immediately rushed into the court here and took charge of the complex.
The verdict was announced amid unprecedented security. The sentence will be pronounced by the court on Monday.
The sect chief was present in the court when the judgment was read out in Panchkula town in Haryana, adjoining Chandigarh.
Court sources said the self-styled godman stood inside the court with his hands folded in prayer and his eyes closed when the judge started reading the verdict.
@RoflGandhi_ Mazak udate the na aap Gurmeet Ram Rahim ka. Ye dekho, Virat Kohli Ko cricket unhone hi sikhayi
— Super Commando Dhruv (@Eaglesiar) June 2, 2017
Outside the court, tens of thousands of supporters were massed. So were thousands of security personnel.
Once the verdict was given, Ram Rahim Singh was examined by doctors. Informed sources he would be taken to the military complex at Chandi Mandir in Panchkula.
The rape victims, despite threats and pressures all along, stood their ground on rape and sexual harassment allegations during the nearly 15-year-long hearing of the matter in court.
A pall of gloom descended among the thousands of followers as the verdict became known. In no time, some of them began attacking media personnel.
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