Did you know that Skateboarding is considered as a sport, it is actually an action sport in which the skateboarders ride and also perform different tricks using the skateboard. After this summer’s Rio 2016 Olympics, negotiations took place on whether or not to regard the sport with an official status. And, then it was decided that skateboarding will be making its Olympic debut at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in Japan. While skateboarding may seem to look cool, it is definitely not easy. Forget the epic tricks, it certainly takes some serious skills to even ride a skateboard. Practice may make things perfect, but skateboarding requires talent and not just passion.
(Video: YouTube/Braille Skateboarding)
Anyway, understanding that skateboarding is a difficult sport, you will be left in awe knowing that the guys at Braille Skateboarding tried to skate a glass skateboard with glass wheels. Avenue Trucks had sent the glass skateboard deck which also had glass wheels in addition to a unique suspension trucks fitted on it for balance. The cool skateboard had #RideAvenue written on it, the manufacturers really wanted to leave a mark on such a special skate.
(Video: YouTube/Braille Skateboarding)
But the question was can a skateboarder actually ride a glass skateboard that ran on glass wheels? Is it really possible to maintain balance on such a fragile skate without breaking the glass due to the weight of the rider? Well, Braille Skateboarding did try to do the impossible, they even smiled for the camera while attempting to do the unthinkable trick with utmost swag. They tried to perform a kickflipping trick but failed as the sheer power used to force the skate to flip using the rider’s weight caused the glass beneath to shatter completely. But cheers to them for trying such a dare. Now that it has been tried and tested, we know for sure that such a delicate skateboard can’t be of any use to the skateboarding fraternity unless one simply keeps it as a toy.
(Video: YouTube/Braille Skateboarding)
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