The South Indian actress Raai Laxmi will be making her debut in Bollywood with the upcoming erotic thriller Julie 2. Laxmi, who is known for acting in successful South Indian films like Dhaam Dhoom, Rock N’Roll and Mankatha, was allegedly in a relationship with MS Dhoni about a decade ago. Laxmi was then the brand ambassador of Chennai Super Kings which turned out to be two-time IPL (Indian Premier League) winners. Dhoni has been captaining the CSK side right from the beginning and it was alleged that he was in a relationship with Raai during the inaugural season of the cash-rich cricketing league.
According to MSN, when asked about Dhoni, she unexpectedly asked back, “Who’s he?” However, the actress clarified her answer as she then went on to say, “This needs to have a full stop. It was a long time ago, he is happily married now, he has kids… Certain things don’t work out, and then you have to move on,”.
The rumours and media spotlight seemed to have had a negative impact on her relationship with Dhoni. She added,
People had quickly taken it to a level that I was going to get married to him, and that was simply not true. The hype got us into an awkward space and that is why I do not talk to the media much about this, but I am talking a bit now. I do not want to speak about him in detail because I respect him a lot.
Laxmi recently posted a snap showing the poster of her upcoming film Julie 2 advertised during an India vs Sri Lanka ODI series match at Colombo, while Dhoni had been running between the wickets in front of the poster.
#INDvSL ODI #julie2 #julie reaches everywhere #Cricket #ind
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Julie 2 is scheduled to release on October 6, 2017.
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