Fifteen years ago, MTV started Roadies- a youth-centric show with a cool new plot: A group of young twenty somethings riding to different destinations and participating in tasks that challenge their physical, mental and emotional strength. The show was an instant hit with the youth and everyone wanted to be a Roadie.
Cut 10 2018 and the fever still hasn’t gone down. As we sat down to watch the auditions, we began to see a pattern in the contestants. Here are 5 types of people you’ll always encounter at a roadies audition:
Mr. Punjab
The quintessential Chandigarh da gabru who has either competed in Mr. Punjab or has won Mr. Punjab. This person will not shy away from mentioning his tryst with Mr. Punjab at least 15 times during the auditions.
Wannabe actor/model
Every audition has at least 3 people who are on Roadies because they wanna be the next Ayushman Khurana or the next… err… Ayushman Khurana. Their Roadies audition legit looks like a YRF audition tape.
Unnecessarily narcissistic diva
Every audition has a few people who look like they were on their way to audition for India’s Next Top Model but somehow landed on Roadies instead. Some of them have cleared the auditions too. We’ve no idea how/why though.
Random Badass
This Dilli dude comes to the auditions just to talk about his Mercidiss and the multiple chicks that he’s dating. And to take his shirt off. That’s pretty much it.
Comedic Relief
The class clown who’ll probably say and do stuff that’ll make you feel better about yourself in general.
It’d be fun to meet them IRL, right?
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