We all have had that ‘oops’ moment once in our lifetime while texting someone something we did not mean to. Sometimes you send a wrong text to a wrong receiver and at other times, autocorrect is there to make your life difficult. How many times has it happened with you that you wanted to write something else but autocorrect decided to behave over-smart and corrected it to something completely meaningless and you only realised the blunder after you’d already hit the send button? We’re sure it has happened with you many times, because in this fast-paced world of writing everything in shorthand, sometimes wrong spellings and proper nouns, autocorrect doesn’t leave a chance to have fun at your expense by correcting that ‘Dear Maran’ to ‘Dear Moron’.
A long and rather interesting thread about ‘most embarrassing moments due to autocorrect’ was discussed on Quora and some of the responses totally hilarious.
Quora users shared some of their personal instances when highly inappropriate auto-corrects almost landed them in embarrassing situations. Still don’t get what we mean? We have 9 such horrendous auto-corrects that made people’s life miserable for a fraction of seconds. *winks*
Here are 7 such instances that Quora users shared and we bet it will leave you LOL-ing hard:
1. Auto-correct, for God’s sake, stop correcting proper nouns
So, auto-correct corrects ‘Dear Maran’ to ‘Dear Moron’ , Tapish to rapist and Mrinal to Urinal. *Facepalm*
2. When auto-correct acts over-smart
‘Missed’ becomes ‘kissed’. But how auto-correct?
3. Auto-correct doode, you need to stop correcting exam acronyms
When NABARD (National Bank For Agriculture And Rural Development) changes to NAMARD (impotent). What on earth does NAMARD mean in English language? Is this one cooked up? Nevertheless, totally funny.
4. One spelling mistake and you’re so gone
5. ‘Most.Embarrassing.Moment.Ever’ auto-correct. Seriously.
6. About office handovers. Auto-correct nobody blames you here
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Has something like this ever happened with you? Share it with us in the comments section below.
(Source: Quora)
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