In a bizarre incident, a street food vendor was stabbed to death by five men after an argument broke out over serving golgappa in Delhi’s Mangolpuri area. The deceased has reportedly been identified as Raju (24). He reportedly received around 18 stab wounds. According to the police, Raju and his father, Radhe Shyam, sold street food in Mangolpuri’s Patthar Market area. On April 9, at about 11:30 pm, Raju was alone at the stall when the five accused, who were consuming alcohol, asked him to serve golgappas.
After Raju told them that the ingredients to make the golgappa were over, the accused demanded that they wanted him to make the golgappas. An argument followed and a scuffle broke out between Raju and the men. The five suspects overpowered Raju and stabbed him multiple times till he collapsed. His family members, who were nearby, heard his cries for help and made a PCR call.
Following the incident, Raju was taken to Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital, where he was declared brought dead. The stab wounds had punctured his vital organs and caused excessive bleeding.
According to reports, Deputy Commissioner of Police (outer district) MN Tiwari said that a case of murder has been registered against the five men at Mangolpuri police station and a manhunt has been launched to nab the suspects at the earliest. The cops will be arrested soon,” the DCP said. Sources said the attackers have several cases registered against them.
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