A few days back German police received one of the most unusual calls. A panicked man on the telephone called the emergency services and said, “Help, I am being pursued by a squirrel.”
The incident took place in the city of Karlsruhe, as reported by The Guardian. According to a police report, officers arrived at the scene in a patrol car and found that the man (name unknown) was being chased by a baby squirrel.
The drama continued even after officers arrived and it ended only after the baby squirrel got tired and fell asleep.
According to the officers, the squirrel was only looking for a new home. “It often happens that squirrels which have lost their mothers look for a replacement and then focus their efforts on one person,” said police spokeswoman.
„Hilfe, ich werde von einem #Eichhörnchen verfolgt!“ Eventuell mit diesen Worten richtete sich am Do, gegen 8:00 Uhr früh, ein Mann an den Karlsruher Polizeinotruf.
Zur PM: https://t.co/QwOz51pXH8
Eure #Polizei #Karlsruhe pic.twitter.com/hMIeu6g0tS
— Polizei Karlsruhe (@Polizei_KA) August 9, 2018
She further added that the situation could be very scary. “The man didn’t know what to do and so he called the police,” she said. “He was certainly feeling a bit threatened.”
The baby squirrel has been adopted by the Karlsruhe Police Department and has been named Karl-Friedrich. It is now being well looked after at an animal centre.
The incident might look funny but in the past squirrels have been known to attack humans. Last year in July, five people were reported of being bitten by an unusually aggressive squirrel in New York’s Prospect Park.
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