In a bid to ‘appease’ Goddess Kali, a man chopped off his mother’s head in West Bengal’s Purulia district. The incident happened in a Kali temple. The deceased has been identified as Phulo Mahato. Following the incident, Narayan confessed to the crime and told the police that he chopped off his mother’s head. He has been sent to 14 days of judicial custody.
A News18 report states the police as saying that the crime was committed to appease Goddess Kali. He chopped off his mother’s head while she was cleaning the temple premises. During interrogation, the accused revealed that Kali had come in his dreams and asked him to sacrifice his mother if he wants to get the treasures hidden in his locality.
Narayan is reportedly suffering from acute depression due to poverty. A few years back, he had started practicing black magic to become rich. He used to hold ‘tantric’ rituals in his temple and had installed the temple at his house.
During interrogations, Narayan also claimed that he frequently interacts with Kali and this time the goddess told him to sacrifice his mother. After being convinced that he is definitely going to get the treasure, he brutally killed his mother. He committed the crime with a ‘khargo’, a bladed weapon used for animal sacrifices.
After the murder, Narayan went to his elder brother’s residence and told him that their mother had cut off her head in the temple before the idol. However, his brother sensed some conspiracy and alerted the cops, following which the accused was taken into custody.
Police are further probing the matter.
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