In a bizarre incident, a chicken crossing a road was taken into police custody in UK. The chicken was taken into custody in East Marketgait, Dundee as it disrupted traffic during rush hour while attempting to cross the road. Bothered by the untamed bird’s antics, locals reported the police.
Officers rushed to the spot at 8:30 am to attend to the bizarre request to remove the animal from the street. The bird was said have been “giving passing motorists cause for concern,” according to the Facebook page of Tayside Police Division police. The police finally got its hands on the chicken, which was later taken into custody.
“The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) has been contacted and will be attending to take care of the chicken until the owner is traced,” the police department stated through a Facebook “Police are appealing for any information as to why the chicken was crossing the road,” they said.
The Facebook post, that was initially meant to locate the bird’s owner, went viral and became the butt of all jokes. The post was shared over 400 times with people responding hilariously to the incident. Here’s what they had to say:
“Seagulls run amock, pidgeons do what they want, but the second a chicken steps outa line it feels the full force of the law. Police brutality!!! #Chickenslivesmatter.” (sic)
“I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned!!” (sic)
“DONALD TRUMP: We will build a big wall to keep illegal chickens from crossing the road. We will have a door for legal chickens.” (sic)
“But why did the chicken cross the road? Especially in Dundee prob get sold for a tenner bag.” (sic)
“I think it was Egged on by someone,” said another Facebook user.
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