Hilarious replies people give to Vijay Mallya's tweets

The nation is singing to the tune of 'Vijay better have my money'. Check out how they continuously troll the business tycoon on Twitter.

The internet is an open ground for trolling people and Mr. Vijay Mallya has learnt it the hard way. The trolling can be cruel sometimes, but most of the times it is well deserved.
The business icon Vijay Mallya saw his name go low when he met with a financial crisis that couldn’t be solved even with his resources. His business ‘Kingfisher’ owes more than 9,000 crore to a plethora of banks. The government has not been able to catch hold of him since he flew to the United Kingdom making it impossible for the Indian government to make a move that would be within the constitutional rules.

In various twitter posts he has questioned news channels, SEBI and has compared himself to a football that is being kicked around by two teams-the NDA and UDA.
People have been demanding his extradition on Twitter and they realized what better way than to bully him into paying up!

We recently surfed through the replies on Mallya’s tweets and it’s safe to say that he’s probably not having a good time reading them.

He recently decided to tweet out about hand-crafted eyewear:

Twitter was not happy:

Vijay decided to post a picture:

The trio was ROASTED:

We’re stunned to see he’s still tweeting:

When he knows what’s coming..

All I need is a payback divine:

Aaand this:

Vijay started buzzing:

Twitter politely asked him to buzz off:

While people are busy trolling him, there are some who’re building sandcastles in the air:

We think Vijay should stay away from Twitter till he pays back his dues, which could be a looongg time.
Your thoughts?
