Priyanka Chopra is undoubtedly a notable style icon. The 35-year-old actress has time and again proven that she has got what it takes to be every bit of a global star that she is. The woman is everywhere! Ever since she moved to the west to lead ABC’s crime drama thriller series Quantico, Priyanka Chopra has managed to hog the limelight at every event, talk show or awards ceremony. And every time she does so, inevitably, she goes viral. Be it walking the Met Gala Red Carpet with a super long trench coat or meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there is no keeping her from doing the rounds on the internet.
This time, it is Priyanka Chopra’s certain blonde look that people just cannot stop talking about. Priyanka donned a thick eyeliner with white tresses in a red dress and looked completely unrecognisable in this look for a women’s fashion magazine. Reportedly, the picture was taken way back in 2015 when the actress was just starting with her role as Alex Parrish in Quantico however, people have only now noticed it. Her unconventional style made the photo go viral on social media where everyone had something or the other to say. Check out the picture below:
A post shared by Priyanka Borkar (@hairbypriyanka) on
Trolls came from every nook and cranny of the world to remark about Priyanka’s get-up and they were certainly not kind. From Lady Melisandre to Radhe Maa, the trolls compared her to anyone and everyone. Here are some tweets:
When you have saath khoon maaf and you are on killing spree… #PriyankaChopra
— Tony Stark (@mainteraahero) July 26, 2017
Guys, the wait is over. Radhe Maa is back.
— SAGAR (@sagarcasm) July 26, 2017
When jon snow dies in india, the red woman we need .. #PriyankaChopra #gots7
— Tony Stark (@mainteraahero) July 26, 2017
Beautiful transformation of Priyanka Chopra.
— Pakchikpak Raja Babu (@HaramiParindey) July 26, 2017
Seems #PriyankaChopra has caught the #GoTS7 fever too
— Shivani_Nani (@vanisaxenaa) July 26, 2017
Me: I’m not afraid of ghosts.#PriyankaChopra: Look at me.
— Karthik Keramalu (@KarthikKeramalu) July 26, 2017
*Faluda with rooh afza*
— Hun (@nickhunterr) July 26, 2017
As she always does, Priyanka chose to respond to the trolling and not be uptight. Like the Queen that she is, Priyanka casually reminded everyone that the picture is actually pretty old. She wrote, “#TBT @lofficielindia…3 years ago. #delayedreaction much?!”
#TBT @lofficielindia…3 years ago. #delayedreaction much?! @hairbypriyanka
A post shared by Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra) on
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