Ranveer Singh posted a hilarious video on his Twitter feed titled ‘Milkha vs Chhilka’, running with Farhan Akhtar with Bhaag Milkha Bhaag‘s song, Zinda Hai Toh playing in the background. Twitter is loving the video of the two ‘hotties’ running together and drooling over it. But no one knows who won, moreover, it seems like the race ended in a tie. LOL.
The two celebrities have worked together in Dil Dhadakne Do (2015) directed by . The movie did quite well at the box-office and the audience were pretty impressed with the performances of the actors. The camaraderie between Ranveer Singh’s character, Kabir Mehra and Farhan’s, Sunny Gill was one of the highlights of the movie. The two share a great friendship off-screen as well. And, Ranveer is really popular with his fans for his weird and amusing fashion-style while Farhan Akhtar’s female fan following has been growing over the years.
Ranveer’s next movie, Padmavati, with his lady-love, Deepika Padukone, is set for release this November. The movie also stars Shahid Kapoor. After an attack on the film crew in Rajasthan by some members of Shri Rajput Karni Sena, the shooting of the movie was stalled for a while and there were speculations if the movie would release this year. An official statement by the makers of the movie cleared the air about the release.
Coming back to the video, fans of Ranveer and Farhan just cannot stop talking about it. Watch the video here:
MILKHA VS CHHILKA @FarOutAkhtar pic.twitter.com/sYmFfucPZK
— Ranveer Singh (@RanveerOfficial) April 13, 2017
And, the fans just cannot stop talking about the video, here are a few tweets:
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar Ranveer BOLT
— Versatile Fan (@versatilefan) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar Seeing you run in full speed – hotness!
— Neha Bhargava (@nehab01) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar DDD pair are back again
— Soniya (@sonii_4sure) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar You’re Faster than speed of light bae
— Imankhilji (@iman1778) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar Wuuuuuh your super silky silky hair..flying flying in the air..
— Ranveer’s Shenin (@shenin_jd) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar OMG Sunny and Kabir.. These two are just…
— Kiru Loves Farhan (@KiruSamudri) April 13, 2017
@RanveerOfficial @FarOutAkhtar Adoooraaable pic.twitter.com/TTfTYtpGgl
— ZinebRanveer (@ismaran98) April 13, 2017
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