Yash Raj Films is bringing in new faces to its production house- Anya Singh, a new up-and-comer from Delhi and Aadar Jain, who happens to be late actor-filmmaker Raj Kapoor’s grandson. Early Wednesday morning, YRF’s official Twitter handle unveiled a series of posters presenting the new duo. While Anya was largely welcome, people did not “aadar” her mate’s arrival. Aadar, who is set to be featured in a film soon opposite Anya, was heavily trolled for riding on his Kapoor heritage to be launched into the industry. The advancing backlash even roped in filmmaker Karan Johar, who has previously been accused of being in favour of nepotism, famously by Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut.
People take issue with the fact that while there are several talented folks out there, it is mainly people from the Bollywood family that make it to the limelight. One such example being Aadar’s own brother, Armaan Jain, who debuted in Saif Ali Khan-produced 2014 film Lekar Hum Deewana Dil. While some of the star kids of the Kapoor family, such as Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor, have proven their flair, it is unacceptable to some that only star kids get the focus that many others should too.
A talented chip of the legendary block….welcome to the movies AADAR JAIN….shine on!!!!! @yrf @Shanoozeing pic.twitter.com/ez0J475gvv
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) July 5, 2017
One such person, who objected to said nepotism in Bollywood, is Indian comedian Aditi Mittal who charged at Yash Raj Films in a hilarious tweet.
What if Yash Raj films just goes to houses of famous actors when 1st child is born & makes them sign blood contracts https://t.co/Q1GHYkbVmS
— Aditi (@awryaditi) July 5, 2017
No one knows Yash Raj films is actually Rumplestilskin.
— Aditi (@awryaditi) July 5, 2017
You made me imagine Uday Chopra as Hagrid, barging in actors houses and telling their kid "you are a star, xyz" pic.twitter.com/3YmPob8tBa
— Shared Power (@Supreme_36) July 5, 2017
None whatsoever. Aah. Also that's what his t shirt (and bio data so far) says
— Aditi (@awryaditi) July 5, 2017
Can you please stop making it sound so damn intriguing. oh god what if some of them are Rosemary's Baby-ed into it this is kinda cool.
— Aditi (@awryaditi) July 5, 2017
Aadar is mandatory Aditi. No one had any choice in this case.
— Samit Basu (@samitbasu) July 5, 2017
And then it was just an unstoppable choir of furies:
This T-shirt could very well have read “Nepotism, Bitches”. #Yrf #AadarJain #AnyaSingh https://t.co/PlFpg65cCK
— Vishesh Jaiswal (@jaiswalvishesh) July 5, 2017
Nepotism not in my name
— Jai (@Jai74863750) July 5, 2017
tu jahan jahan chalega, mera saaya saath hoga
– Raj Kapoor offering employment to all his descendants
— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) July 5, 2017
The poster doesn’t mention am multimillionaire’s son.There are thousands of aspiring actor why him? Paid launching
— Ritu Khanna (@Ritukhanna27) July 5, 2017
Karan Sir , did you link him to PAN
— Mohamed Asif (@iam_mhd) July 5, 2017
<5 years later>
media: what about nepoti–
Aadar: JO KIYA APNE DAM PE KIYA HAI MAINE— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) July 5, 2017
— Nitika (@Nitika_newbee) July 5, 2017
Sir aap bhi Paid tweet karte ho ??
— Prasant Patnaik (@psychomatics) July 5, 2017
btw this was tweeted by Karan Hai-Tauba-Nepotism-Kya-Hota-Hai Johar
— Shibesh (@lordoftheshibs) July 5, 2017
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