Ever Googled ‘ways to commit suicide’? Let’s hope you never have and never will. But, before you dismiss this as another crazy discussion, a 24-year old girl from Bareilly did and her search saved her life and made her change her mind.
Upon using such keywords, Google is fortunately not kind enough to throw up a million options to dismantle your life and disfigure your body. What the search engine instead does is gives you helpline numbers of organizations like AASRA who you can call to pour your heart out. This girl from Bareilly was driven to suicide after her long time boyfriend ditched her—due to family pressure—and refused to marry her.
By some stroke of fate, she decided to ask the know-it-all search engine how to go ahead with her plan and ended up talking to the DIG who talked her out of it. The DIG also organized a counselling session for her and for the man in question. What exactly transpired is not yet known but in a first of its kind incident, Google wiped out suicidal thoughts from a heartbroken girl’s mind.
Often when one’s mind reaches a stage where it wanders off to suicidal thoughts, seeing reason is tough. But suicide is never an option, never ever.
Kudos to Google and its makers for having been far-sighted enough to see such a search coming up and doing what needs to be done in such a situation.
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