Fairy tales have been an essential part of every child’s life. No, not the Grimms version, thank goodness we were saved that scarring for a long time. Disney however has given us the loveliest tales and a variety of princesses to look up to. Having grown up with Cinderella, Snow White and Belle as portrayed by Disney in books and on screen, we probably never considered an alternative representation till a few years back. But now that we have, it’s be so very unfair to leave Disney princesses out when it’s Women’s Day we are speaking of, isn’t it?
Illustrator Amanda Allen Niday reimagined Disney princesses as modern day women and made them a lot more relatable. Keeping in sync with their original characteristics, Niday puts these princesses in perspective and aptly captions her work, “Inspired by the Women’s March and my firm belief that these Princesses would be out there. Dream Big, Princess!”
Indeed we could all imagine to Mulan or Belle being very different women and breaking a lot more norms than they did if they were characters written out in the 21st century. From Sleeping Beauty finally waking up to Snow White setting out for work, Niday’s re-imagined princesses are striking too many chords with us at the same time. Look at the ladies she has drawn out.
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Now couldn’t we all use such brilliant Disney inspiration this Women’s Day? All these lovely images you can find on her tumblr handle. So, go on and show her some love!
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