As kids, we often thought superheroes are real, that Superman actually saved the planet from Glowman and other baddies. While growing up, I believed that Arun Govil, who played Lord Rama in superhit TV soap Ramayan, was actually the deity. Later, I realised the truth and still laugh about it. But there are some who fail to see the line between reality and fiction even after growing up! Example this: For years, a granny in Brazil worshipped the figurine of The Lord of the Rings’s fictional character Elrond as St Anthony.
Gabriela Brandao, who is a makeup artist from Florianopolis in Brazil, shared the pictures of the figurine on Facebook, which her grandmother had been mistaking for Saint Anthony of Padua. Brandao said that it was indeed difficult to explain her grandmother about the goof-up. It took some time for her to realise the same, Buzzfeed reported. The post has gone viral, raking in around 4,000 shares on social media. Most of the people have tagged their friends with hilarious comments on Lord of The Rings.
Elrond was the Lord of Rivendell, described by JRR Tolkien as a noble lord, brave warrior as well as a wise wizard. He is usually dressed in brown long robe, which might have led to Brandao’s granny being confused. Elrond is portrayed by Hugo Weaving in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Saint Anthony of Padua is one of the popular Catholic saints and is portrayed while holding baby Jesus in his arms. He was a Portuguese priest of the Fransiscan order and was proclaimed the Doctor of the Church in 1946. This video will help you to know more about the saint.
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