Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s Twitter account has just achieved the milestone of having 10,000 followers. Mehbooba, who is also the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) President must be the only high-profile politician in India who is is literally lifeless on the micro-blogging website.
Two years since she created the handle @MehboobaMufti in July 2014, she is yet to post even her first tweet.
Here are some interesting facts about her duly verified account:
Tweets zero: Mehbooba has never tweeted anything from her account yet.
Retweets zero: She is yet to retweet anything.
Likes zero: She is yet to like anything.
Follows zero: The PDP-supremo often glorified by her party colleagues as the ‘Iron Lady’ doesn’t even follow anyone on Twitter.
Her party’s official handle @jkpdp, which is widely active, tags her in almost every tweet.
Also, PDP’s Twitter handle follows no one but only Mehbooba. But for what!
While Prime Minister Narendra Modi is active on social media and encourages hashtag campaigns like #SelfieWithDaughter, Mehbooba stays away from following any such trends despite being a BJP ally.
Her predecessor Omar Abdullah, who is elder to her on Twitter by four years, is among the most active politicians on the microblogging website. He recently crossed 10,000 tweets since he created the account in 2010. He has over 1.5 million followers.
Interestingly, Omar and several other well-meaning voices often tag Mehbooba on their tweets on issues related to governance in Kashmir, presumably little knowing that she never responds.
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