PM Narendra Modi was speaking at the launch of the Supreme Court’s new digital filing system for complaints, ICMIS, when in his attempt to emphasize the use of technology and science, he created a new ‘formula’. ‘IT + IT = IT’, he said, going on to decode his freshly-minted equation as ‘Information Technology + Indian Talent = India Tomorrow’. Modi emphasized that changing the mindset of the people when it comes to technology for governance.
In the speech, he made a strong pitch for e-governance and paperless offices in the country while speaking at the inauguration seminar of the SC becoming more digital. The PM wants to create an environment for artificial intelligence and digital growth.
“Embracing technology can’t happen if only a few people are keen on it. The scale must be larger.. Mindsets have to change, that will be the beginning. However much we automate things or introduce technology, if mindsets don’t change nothing will happen”, he said.
IT + IT = IT. This means ‘Information technology + Indian Talent = India Tomorrow’: PM Modi
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 10, 2017
Sadly, it was his acronym more than his ideas that struck a chord with the listeners. Twitter obviously decided to come up with their versions of the equation, conjuring up hilarious tweets:
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about.
— Rofl Gandhi (@RoflGandhi_) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news Jumla+Jumla=Development
— DeNaMotisation _ (@The_Wa_Na) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news Modi+Media = Modia. _
— Prateek_ (@prateek_mahnot) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news @RealHistoryPic = job cut +infi + cognizent +wipro+TCS
— Justtweeto (@justtweeto) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news Minimum governance, maximum acronyms.
— Nishant (@khabarnathi) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news IT + IT = 2IT
Information technology + Idiot Trolls = 2 India tomorrow..!! One for Sanghis and one for the rest..!!— Nida (@damsel_007) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news Tatti+ gau mutra = modi
— Rajat (@rsrajat365) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news Rubbish.. First do Governance, rather than talking & making catchy phrases
— keshav sanjeevi (@keshav_sanjeevi) May 10, 2017
@ANI_news 0+IT = IT means Indian Thug
— True Indian (@goeltm_tg) May 10, 2017
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