Virat Kohli posts photo with Harbhajan Singh’s daughter Hinaya, internet confused who’s the cutest Virat Kohli has just posted a photo on Instagram with Harbhajan Singh and Geeta Basra's daughter Hinaya and the internet can't handle the cuteness.
‘Slave like you’: Indian bahus will find this ‘Shape of You’ spoof way too relatable "I'm singing like, bahu it's to go on the stove. Your roti was made for somebody like me."
ISRO to launch GSAT-9 ‘India’s gift to SAARC’ on May 5 India's gift to SAARC nation-- GSAT 9 satellite
Photos: Father-son recreate throwback bath-time picture, and it will make you cringe Tyler Walker recently recreated his old picture with his dad and we beg you not to try this at home.
Trending: PM Modi’s ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ pose gets turned into a hilarious meme, because Twitter Twitter is back at it again with the memes.
Photos: Latest Princess Charlotte image is a reminder that she is basically the Queen’s mini version Princess Charlotte looks super adorable in this photo clicked by her mother.
Photos: Stop what you’re doing and look at Canadian PM Justin Trudeau wearing a firefighter jacket No big deal, just pictures of Justin Trudeau looking undeniably gorgeous in a firefighter's jacket. Check out the pictures