From ‘unsend’ to text formatting, WhatsApp may get new features soon WhatsApp is getting cool new updates and we are just waiting for the global rollout!
Spiegel’s alleged ‘poor India’ remark to the Snapdeal fiasco: the entire Snapchat controversy in 5 points Snapchat fiasco explained!
Watch: Traffic halts on Gujarat highway as 11 ‘big cats’ cross road In Gujarat, commuters were thrilled to witness eleven lions trying to cross the road on the Pipavav-Rajula highway in Amreli district.
Forget Snapchat! Mumbai youth creates SlapChat, an app that slaps. But wait, there’s a twist Joshua Fernandes created the app after he reading about the Snapchat controversy on comedian Atul Khatri's Facebook page
Trolled by Pakistani Twitter for uninstalling Snapchat, Adnan Sami responds with ‘Jai Hind’ Adnan Sami uninstalls Snapchat as #boycottSnapchat trends!