Sonam Kapoor tried shaming Abhay Deol using cousin Esha’s ad, forgot nobody messes with a Deol Sonam Kapoor's tweets in response to Abhay Deol backfire. Twitterati hits back and trolls her massively. Sonam deletes her tweets.
Do you know why your shoelaces often come loose? No matter how hard you try, your shoe laces will always get loose!
Watch: Doctor serenades young cancer patient with a ukulele and the video will make you cry Happiness lies in small things. :)
10 times Govinda proved he is funnier than Chandler Bing and Sheldon Cooper combined! Ey sasur ka naati, ka article share nahi karoge ka?
Google’s new website will turn your ugly scribbles into art Now you too can be an artist all thanks to Google's new website!
How United Airlines lost $800 million thanks to their terrible handling of the passenger dragging incident Never underestimate the power of social media!
Watch: Siddharth Mahadevan’s song for EIC rips apart shitty tourists Goa is forced to deal with In a hilarious new video, East India Comedy (EIC) has mocked every bachelor's dreamy, booze-infused, bucket list trip to Goa.
Watch: Man totally loses his shit at snake’s surprising “love bite” What do you do when a snake bites you on your ass and chases you into an internet cafe?