Off-spinner Parvez Rasool has been a part of the National team since 2014 and debuted in the T20 format in the India-England match at Kanpur on January 26. On a day which could have been a milestone in his career, the cricketer earned himself a controversy when he was caught chewing a gun while the National Anthem played.
The Kashmiri cricketer faced Twitter’s wrath for his act of callousness. While it is understandable that this might have been completely unintentional and a pure slip on his part, Twitter is an unforgiving place and clearly so are cameras. Many on the social networking site took him down for showing disrespect to the anthem and said he should have controlled his urge to chew till it stopped playing. Some even suggested he comes out and apologizes if it was a genuine mistake
Back in 2009, Rasool was detained by the Bangalore police on suspicion of traces of explosive in his bag. He was later released and objected to dogs sniffing his bag which had the Quran inside it. The cricketer could not have imagined a chewing gum would make him an overnight celebrity, but well that’s Twitter for you.
Dear @BCCI
If #parvezrasool can’t sing India’s national anthem, chews gum while it’s being played, why should he wear India’s jersey?
— Nirbhay Kumar Singh (@NirbhayKumarS17) January 27, 2017
#parvezrasool anthem Was it accidental or done purposely whatever may be the case it was disgraceful and shameful act #BCCI #IndvsEng
— SanjayShantilalTank (@SanjaySTank) January 27, 2017
#parvezrasool national anthem is religion of 1.3 billion indians.. if u can’t tolerate this, how can we trust on ur credibility in matches?
— Anand Jogi (@anand_jogi) January 27, 2017
Dear #parvezrasool, strength to win a medal in last 8 sec’s come from here and not from chewing gum.
— WINGS OF FIRE (@shenoy70) January 27, 2017
And people like #parvezrasool tell us… Why we should make it mandatory to play national anthem in school, colleges and offices.
— Sweetsie C2 (@itssitu) January 27, 2017
Dear @imVkohli @msdhoni – pls drop #parvezrasool from Team India. Players who refuse to honour our anthem do not deserve to represent India.
— Sandeep Jaganath (@sandyjune1988) January 26, 2017
I would be happy if #ParvezRasool did come out and speak about the National Anthem matter and probably apologise for it.
— CHARLIE (@CharlieGulshan) January 27, 2017
people in country follows cricketers and if player like #parvezrasool represents Nation, and Not respect national anthem. @BCCI @imVkohli 1
— Shailendra Gour (@Shailu_gour) January 27, 2017
It remains to be seen what action gets taken against the cricketer for this act.
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