Dogs are pretty much the answer to everything in this world. Feeling low? Give your dog a hug and they shall lick your lows away. Think nobody loves you? Just wait till you get home to your four-legged companion. How then could they be kept out of Photoshop battles, right?
In line with that though, Reddit user ‘damaged monkey‘ uploaded this photo of a pup and we swear the cuteness in this photo is too much for the world to hold in. Think that might not be the case? Well, a picture speaks a thousand words so let this one speak for itself.
Fellow users too were smitten by just how adorably this puppy is sitting. To be honest, most of us would barely manage to sit that decently and look overtly cute while we are at it. From how the dog was being so well mannered by covering his privates with the tail to how he was posing to be painted, several jokes made their way into this Photoshop Battle thread. Check out the entries.
Well, we cannot say about who will take this Photoshop Battle award away but this pupper is cuteness personified and will easily make your day.
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