PM Modi 'skipped Yoga but didn't skip the camera:' Twitter is at its mocking best today

In today's news, Modi skipped yoga, Twitter skipped a beat and Kejriwal took the whole situation too personally.

Both Narendra Modi and yoga have a penchant for being in news. What happens when both feature in the same news? They manage to keep Twitterati engaged and cause a laugh riot.

This morning our health conscious, yoga loving, vegetarian PM tweeted about missing his morning yoga to go have breakfast with his mother and spend time with her. All of this before dawn.


Delhi CM clearly did not take to the PM’s antics kindly and brought his own mother into the debate, sans yoga.

In all honesty, most of us would skip anything we are asked to do on an early winter morning and the thought of having breakfast before dawn could make most of the hair on our body stand. But our PM actually took to Twitter to express his anguish about having missed his yoga and for obvious reasons Twitterati had a field day.

Now when its our PM unleashing his PR skills, how could Facebook have been left unfazed.

All said and done, yoga causing such ruckus has to be a first.
