If you were born in India somewhere in the 90s, there’s a pretty good chance you grew up watching Laadla. The film about a loving son named Raj who works hard to take care of his paralysed mom and occasionally flirts with some girl named Kaajal (Raveena Tandon) from time to time. And then there’s Sridevi’s Sheetal Jaitley there to be the thorn in their side.
Growing up we must have hated Sheetal. The woman paid no heed to people in her factory dying or old, paralysed folks. She was definitely made to look like the primary villain of the movie. However, as it turns out, she was the most relatable person in the whole movie. At least more so than Anil Kapoor’s super sexist Raj Verma who thinks women are better suited for household work and are supposed to be sensitive and stuff.
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She may have had unconventional methods but she was a headstrong woman handling managing an industry in man’s world. Here are 10 classic signs that you are Sheetal Jaitley:
1. You have big goals in life
2. And some serious anger management issues
3. You are really insecure in relationships
4. You love dem catch-phrases
5. You’re a Daenerys Targaryen fan
6. You imagine dramatic stand-offs between you and your foes
7. You’re totes LIT
8. You may be hard outside but you’re actually just a little softie inside
9. You also happen to be borderline insane
10. But, most importantly, you are number one
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