Ileana D’Cruz recently opened up about a shocking incident of harassment. The actress, who is well-known for her performances in movies like Barfi! and Phata Poster Nikhla Hero, was recently on her way to attend a fashion show when a group of six men harassed her at a traffic signal.
Reportedly, while Ileana was halted at a traffic signal for a few minutes, the men from the car parked next to hers recognised her and approached her vehicle. Ileana told the Mumbai Mirror that the group then knocked on her window and started “pressing themselves against the car.” She reported that one of the men even lied down on the bonnet of her car and started laughing. I’ve been eve teased when I was younger, but I didn’t expect guys to misbehave to this level at this age,” Ileana said.
Ileana reports that she decided against taking pictures of the “six lunatics” as it only would have stimulated them to further harass her. When the signal turned green, the men did not stop and continued to chase Ileana’s car. It was like a power trip for them,” she stated. The 29-year-old actress ignored the harassers for as long during her entire ordeal as she was worried for her own safety and that of her chauffeur’s. “They could have beaten him up and I wouldn’t have been able to stop them. So the only thing my chauffeur could do was honk while I ignored their antics,” she added.
It’s a pretty shitty world we live in. I’m a public figure. I understand that I don’t have the luxury of a private & an anonymous life.(1/2)
— Ileana D’Cruz (@Ileana_Official) August 20, 2017
But that doesn’t give any man the right to misbehave with me. Don’t confuse “fan antics” with that. I am a WOMAN at the end of the day.(2/2)
— Ileana D’Cruz (@Ileana_Official) August 20, 2017
The actress added that if these happenings continue, she’ll consider filing a formal complaint with the police, revealing that she had got an eve teaser arrested once before when she was just 16 years old. Ileana’s fans were displeased, to say the least, after the actress addressed the incident on Twitter.
Totally Agree , No Man Have Right To Misbehave Any Lady
— Deepika Padukone (@DepikaPadukoone) August 20, 2017
Shameless creatures mam :/. Btw who was that as#@#@ who misbehaved with u tell me his name
— Shahrukh Ka Fan! (@kameenasrkian) August 20, 2017
some fools doesnt knw how to respect women…every guy should show some respect to every women…who is that bastard
— Meet Thakkar (@thakkar_012) August 21, 2017
No1 should ever play with dignity of women..everyman should always think b4 doing anything wrong to a might b our mother or sister
— Ronald Colaco (@ColacoRonald) August 20, 2017
— Anuj (@TruthBeingHuman) August 21, 2017
Ileana is not the first actress to have been harassed. In the past, several actresses have had to face such horrifying ordeals including Sonam Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Sushmita Sen, Katrina Kaif and Shenaz Treasurywala, to name a few. While one considers celebrities to be a lot safer than common citizens, given how they are often surrounded by their bodyguards, incidents like these prove that the horror is true for all people.
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