Bollywood has no dearth of acting talent with great actors like Ranbir Kapoor, Shah Rukh Khan, Vidya Balan, Kangana Ranaut, Ranveer Singh, Priyanka Chopra, Akshay Kumar, Aamir Khan featuring on the big screen from time to time. But have you ever felt that after watching an almost good movie you needed to question the choice of the casting director as to why he chose that one actor/actress who was capable of single-handedly destroying the entire movie? With the speed at which Bollywood is delivering flops in past few years, it wouldn’t entirely be wrong to say that sometimes, apart from mindless plotlines, bad direction, poor treatment, actors too are to be blamed.
Sometimes great movies tank at the box office only because a certain actor either underperformed or acted way too well (*sarcasm intended*). No offence to anyone, but Bollywood doesn’t have a scarcity of pretty faces and ripped bodies who find it too difficult to emote on-screen.
Quorans had a great time discussing that one actor/actress who spoiled an excellent movie. Apart from the long list, one actor featured in most lists. You may be disappointed if you are thinking about Katrina Kaif or Arjun Kapoor. Of course, they are on the list, but the one who tops it is none other than Nargis Fakhri. No surprise? Thought so.
Below is the list of 7 actors who managed to destroy some of the brilliant Bollywood movies with brilliant storylines.
1. Nargis Fakhri in Rockstar and Madras Cafe
Directed by Imtiaz Ali, music given by none other than A R Rahman and starring Ranbir Kapoor, Rockstar was a hit at the box office. On one hand, where Ranbir Kapoor delivered one of his most memorable and intense performances, the actress was no match to him with that stony face.
Even in Madras Cafe (in case, you are wondering whether it was a good movie, its IMDb Rating is 7.7) directed by Shoojit Sircar, who has directed movies like Vicky Donor, Piku and Pink, the poor director just couldn’t make Fakhri emote. Although this political thriller did well at the box office with John Abraham’s powerful acting, Fakhri’s was an out-and-out dampner.
2. Sonam Kapoor in Raanjhanaa
The next in line in Sonam Kapoor, who, according to the Quorans spoiled Raanjhanaa (ummm…yes, the movie that glorified stalking like every other Bollywood flick but was appreciated by the audience). Let’s not digress. With great performances by Dhanush, Abhay Deol and even the supporting cast Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub and Swara Bhaskar, the movie failed to entertain the audience, thanks to Sonam Kapoor’s ‘deep overacting skills’.
Quorans seemed so fed up that one of them even suggested alternatives.
3. Shah Rukh Khan in Asoka
Don’t be shocked. Shah Rukh Khan actually spoiled this period movie. Even the BBC review said so. “…The problem though, is Shah Rukh’s inability to go beyond his real life hero persona and become the character he is playing.” The movie was a disappointment to all SRK fans.
4. Arjun Kapoor in every movie
Everyone would agree with this one. From Ishaqzaade to Half Girlfriend, this Kapoor hasn’t delivered a single hit. And a Quora user points out the reason why the actor is still in the industry and no prizes for guessing. He says “Arjun Kapoor is working in the industry because of his family otherwise he does not have any option to work.” We totally understand your sentiment bro.
5. Katrina Kaif in Rajneeti and Namastey London
Actually, it should be Katrina Kaif in every other movie. On a scale on zero to how-expressionless-could-you-be, Katrina Kaif has the stoniest face ever. No doubt she has some great dancing skills but that doesn’t help a movie.
With some of the stellar performances in Rajneeti by actors like Nana Patekar, Manoj Bajpayee, Ranbir Kapoor, we wonder how Katrina could find no inspiration to act a little better. Well, the saga continues with Jagga Jasoos.
6. KRK in Ek Villain
This one is Just.For.Fun. Talking about bad acting, we cannot miss our very own Kamaal R Khan, ‘lovingly’ known as KRK. We wouldn’t say much about, because this Quora user understands our emotions.
7. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Sarabjit
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan returned to acting with movies like Jazbaa and Sarabjit. While Sarabjit was a well-made movie and dealt with a serious issue, Aishwarya just failed to make an impact as Sarabjit’s sister and her acting, literally, scarred the movie. Randeep Hooda, who played the titular character, was praised for his outstandingly fine performance.
(Source: Quora)
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