There are few Bollywood actors, who, even with a fan base not as huge as those of Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Deepika Padukone, Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt, have definitely made an impact on the minds of cinema-lovers with their powerful performances. Hindi film industry employs a pretty diverse talent pool and while some actors/actresses have been sadly typecast in a particular kind of role, there are others who have set themselves apart, thanks to their standout performances. Although there’s much debate about the acting talent of mainstream actors/actresses, Bollywood has another set of actors who are immensely talented (some of them, undoubtedly more talented than the mainstream ones) but are totally underrated. It is not a hidden truth that Hindi cinema, known for its sexism has been discriminating against its female actors but this article isn’t about that. It is about how even when some of these actresses have appeared as supporting actors in movies, they have stood out due to their acting prowess.
Quora users had an interesting discussion about ‘which Bollywood actresses are totally underrated’ and the responses wouldn’t surprise you. We all have seen movies like Raanjhanaa, Dev D, Masaan, Gangs of Wasseypur to understand where this discussion must have headed.
Here is a list of 7 such Bollywood actresses, who have experimented and taken risk with their careers and still been able to win our hearts:
1. Konkana Sen Sharma
The actress whose movie, Lipstick Under My Burkha created a stir in the industry is known for not settling down with average roles. She has always challenged herself with roles that most mainstream Bollywood actresses are vary of. Her performances in Page 3 and Wake Up Sid have stayed with the audience.
Quoting a Quora user, “Konkona is an actress who made us believe that talent can conquer almost everything provided if you work hard”.
2. Swara Bhaskar
She shot to fame with her role of Bindiya in Raanjhanaa and deservedly so. Not to miss, Neel Battey Sannata, a brilliant movie and a role that got her critical acclaim. As a Quora user puts it, “It is high time she should be the heroine rather than playing supporting roles . I wish Bollywood uses her talent well.”
3. Radhika Apte
With path-breaking performances in Phobia , Ahalya (short film) and Parched, this actress definitely deserves more attention. Having worked in theater, her performances are polished and she effortlessly glides into any character. “Apte is brilliant in whatever she does. She has been very accurate (sic) about her characters in the movies which we can tell by her performances in movies like Parched, Phobia, Maanjhi, Badlapur,” points out a Quora user.
4. Shweta Tripathi
Here’s what a Quoran has to say about who is the most underrated Bollywood actress, “The very first name which comes in my mind is Shweta Tripathi. She is a 32 years old actress who played role of a college girl in the movie Masaan.” She also featured with Nawazuddin Siddiqui in Haraamkhor and was a perfect match to the actor.
5. Kalki Koechlin
If you’ve seen Kalki in Dev D and Margarita With a Straw, you’ll understand what we are saying. The actress is immensely talented but Bollywood casts her in supporting roles. She is trained in theater and it comes out really well onscreen.
6. Tabu
This veteran actress has definitely been the most underrated actress ever. She has dared to try roles most mainstream actresses are vary of and has delivered some of the most critically acclaimed performances in movies like Maachis and Haider. A Quora user says, “Tabu’s performances are the inspiration for many successful actresses in the industry yet she is the most underrated actress in Bollywood.”
7. Richa Chadha
And last but not the least, Richa Chadha. From Fukrey to Gangs of Wasseypur to Masaan, Richa Chadha has proved her acting talent and delivered brilliant performances onscreen. Choosing to do offbeat roles that any newcomer would steer clear of, she has made a mark in Bollywood but still hasn’t got her due.
A Quora user writes, ‘She is a very versatile actress and has made some best character for in Ram Leela movie of Ranveer and Deepika (sic). But still she is not able to get the movies on regular basis.”
We would definitely want to see these ladies more often in Bollywood movies playing pivotal roles, rather than appearing as second leads. Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comments sections below.
(Also read: 9 most underrated and beautiful Bollywood songs that deserve to be heard)
(Source: Quora)
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