Priyanka Chopra has never liked being in the periphery, she likes the center-stage. When she was criticised on Twitter for the shirt she sported on Condé Nast Traveller cover, to pacify her fans, she clarified her stance and ever since she has become somewhat of a global citizen. With her latest advertisement for the clothing brand Gap, Priyanka Chopra is a part of their Bridging the Gap campaign. The international brand is on its way to redefining its identity by standing for ‘unity in diversity.’
In the videos from the campaign, Priyanka Chopra can be seen with the likes of rapper Wiz Khalifa, actress Christie Brinkley, actor Jonathan Groff, actress Yara Shahidi, model and activist Adwoa Aboah, designer Alek Welk, champion fencer Miles Chamley-Watson, and models Maria Borges, Fernanda Ly, Lineisy Montero, Ellen Rosa, Casil McArthur and Jasmine Sanders. Phew, that is some cast.
“Sunnnny,” yells the singer and Priyanka can be seen grooving to the song as she mouths, “Yesterday my life was filled with rain.”
“I think ‘bridging the gap’ is exactly what the world needs right now. There are so many gaps in this world that need to be filled.” says Priyanka in one of the videos she has shared of the making of the commercial.
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Priyanka and the entire troupe are fashioning signature white GAP t-shirts in the video, what can be perceived to signify a blank canvas. But the best part of the video is undeniably the song that serves as the background for it all, titled Sunny. The cast also appears in a series of print ads right from model Lineisy Montero to Olympic star Miles Chamley-Watson and ultimately to our very own PeeCee.
Bridging the Gap, which was directed, cast, and styled by newly appointed Vogue UK editor-in-chief Edward Enninful, celebrates optimistic American style. Enninful has a wise selection of a diverse cast of people he’s worked with, championed, and even admired, all of whom embody American culture today. Gap white tees have been interpreted as each person’s individual blank canvas which offers a glimpse into how our differences can unite us.
Watch a glimpse of the powerful ad campaign right here:
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